IMPORTANT : The above link redirects you to the OXFORD deposit platform on which you will have to create an account again allowing you 3 (three) submissions per author with the possibility of modification until May 18th, 2021 (extended deadline).
NOTE : This new account is in no way linked to your registration account but every approved Abstract/Paper must be associated to a registered participant (full participation and payment process completed) until August. 29, 2021.
The abstract title must not exceed 250 words.
The abstract can not exceed a maximum of 5000 characters (with spaces).
Abstracts must be written in English.
Abstract submission deadline is May 18, 2021 (extended deadline).
Change or withdrawing on Abstract/Paper
Changes to abstracts, for consideration by the Technical Committee, can be made on-line up to the deadline for submission May 18, 2021.
The withdrawal of an Abstract or a Paper on the Submission System is only possible until May 18, 2021 and October 1, 2021, respectively.
The level of contribution (poster, oral or invited talk) will be decided after the abstract submission deadline, and the authors will be informed by e-mail.
If you have any queries regarding Abstracts/Papers submission, submissions already made, or withdrawal, please contact: